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Work: Video


An Adventure Tower Defense game

Game Description

Portable is an adventure game where you play as a bunny with the ability to build towers. Explore the unknown island in the day, and defend yourself against the alien invaders at night. Save the island by ridding the island of corruption and alien invaders. 

Project Description

Project Duration: 6 months

Engine: Custom Engine 

Team Size: 10 members

My Roles

Game Design

UI / UX Design

Level Design



Main Objective

Survive and journey into the island to destroy all enemy crystals

Game Mechanics

Harvest Resources


Build & Upgrade Towers


Carry Tower


Game Loop


  • Harvesting Resources

  • Building Defences Early

  • Explore Island



  • Survive and defend against attackers


Player Dilemma

Time is of essence in this game. Players are presented with a dilemma in the choices they can make in the day time. As players can only move safely in daylight, players will have to find a good balance between preparation in ensuring their survival at night, and exploration to advance towards their objective. Staying in one place for the day allows the player to harvest more resources, thus increasing their chance of survival at night. Exploring the island allows players to make progress, find rarer resources and possibly find strategic locations to hold their defences at night.

Player Incentives and Progression


  • Players may find challenge in finding the perfect balance between surviving and progressing as fast as possible


Curiosity, Discovery and Reward​​

  • As players explore the island they will find rare resources that allows them to build and upgrade towers into stronger variants.

  • Players may come across strategic locations that allows them to better defend themselves at night.


Level Design


Area 01 First Base


  • Low Intensity

  • Tutorial area

  • Player starts in a strong defensive land formation

  • Common Level 1 Resources can be found here


Notable Location - First Base

  • Defender Difficulty: Easy

  • Only 1 entry and exit, excellent for defense

  • Allows defender to attack incoming enemies from multiple angles.

  • Plenty of resources within the defensive formation


Area 1.png

Area 02 Land of Courage


  • Low - Mid Intensity

  • The area where players themselves in after leaving the starting point

  • Defensive Land formations found in this area is relatively easy to hold.

  • Players will find rare resources if they choose to explore the area.

  • 1 Enemy Crystal (First Objective)

Notable Location - Off Road Mines​​

Area 2b.png
  • Defender Difficulty: Intermediate â€‹

  • Contains Rare level 3 and 4 Rocks

  • Defensive land formation is fortified by Rocks if players choose not to harvest them

  • Off road, usually only found by exploring

Notable Location - Middle Base 1​

Area 2.png
  • Defender Difficulty: Intermediate 

  • Plenty of resources

  • Contains some Level 3 Wood 

  • Defensive land formation is fortified by Rocks and Trees if players choose not to harvest them

  • Only 2 entrance for enemies to attack, unless players choose to harvest the rock formations

Area 03 Land of Anxiety


  • Mid - High Intensity

  • Long stretch of land

  • Little to no defensive land formation.

  • Instills anxiety of being vulnerable by making it difficult to find any defensive location.

  • If players find themselves stranded in this area during night time, they will have to hold their defences near trees and rocks to survive enemy attack.

  • 2 Enemy Crystal (2nd & 3rd Objective)


Notable Location - Crescent Forest

  • Defender Difficulty: Intermediate - Hard

  • Defense formation supported solely by Trees

  • Contains 1 rarest Level 4 Tree

  • Only 1 Entrance, however the entrance is relatively wide and requires many towers to cover the entrance.


Area 3.png

Area 04 Holding Out


  • Mid Intensity

  • Night attacks are intense in this area

  • Holding out in defensive land formations are crucial to surviving the night


Notable Location - The Maze

  • Difficulty: Intermediate - Hard

  • Enemies attack in large amounts

  • Defensive Land Formation spreads widely, players have many options in where they can hold their defenses.

  • Resources may surround the defensive formation, but appear limited within the formation itself. Players will have to risk leaving the safety of the formation to harvest resources.


Area 4.png

Area 05 Finale


  • High Intensity

  • Area with intense enemy attacks and little defensive land formations

  • Final Crystal is found here, if players can destroy it, the player wins the game.


Notable Location - Scattered Hills

  • Difficulty: Hard - Very Hard

  • Defensive Land Formation is Very Scattered

  • Player will need to build many towers to be able to defend themselves

  • Enemy attacks in very large groups

  • Position is hard to hold, however player has the option to fall back to Area 04 to regain footing


Area 5.png
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