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Work: Video

ViewMyFig - AR Project

A mobile phone app that allows users to view their desired figurine in augmented reality.

User Study and Persona

Identifying User's Needs

The first step of the project is to research on the target audience and understand their frustrations and needs. A persona is created as a representation of our findings on the target audience.


Main Issue to tackle

User finds it hard to make confident purchasing decision due to the lack of information or representation of their desired figurines

  • Hard to estimate the actual scale of figurines

  • Hard to inspect details if web stores provide photo previews showing limited angles.



Proposed Solution

An AR app that allows users to view their desired figurine from different angles in actual live scale.


  1. The app brings value to the company in terms of service.

  2. Being able to see the figurines through AR allows the user to appreciate the figurine in detail which may lead to higher sales.

  3. The idea itself is still relatively new for the figurine market targeted towards anime fans, thus, will likely attract new customers of similar interests to the store who are simply curious about the AR feature itself.


  1. Some users may simply be satisfied by seeing the figurines through the AR app and instead not buy the figurines.

  2. Users may misuse the app by using it to view the figures from inappropriate angles.

How will this app be integrated?

ViewMyFig is meant to be a supplementary third party app that will exist alongside with the figurine company's web store. The app's sole function is for users to browse the catalog of available figurines through AR and does not function as an online shop itself

General User flow.png

User Flow

Menu Flow
Menu Flow.png
User Flow in
AR Mode
User Flow Ar Mode.png

Inspecting Figurine

Menu Screen Prototype

Startup Page.png
Latest Figure Release Page.png
Detail Page.png

Noteable Features

Markerless tracking

As the AR app uses markerless tracking, users can start using the app right away without having to collect any specific physical marker.


Single Gesture Controls

The controls in this app should be easy, all controls are one finger gestures only be it selecting a button, or rotating the model.


Figurine Rotation

By simply drag left/right on screen, users can rotate the figurine on the spot to easily view the figurine's detail from different angles without having to physically walk around the figurine.


Direct Link to Purchase

With a click of a button, users can conveniently redirected themselves to the main web store's purchasing page to make purchase.



A lens flare effect is introduced as censorship to prevent users from viewing the figurine from awkward angles.


Figure Posing Preview

Users can preview poseable figures in different poses.

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